
2020 Technology Manager Certification Training Successfully Started in Qingdao Oceantec Valley

作者:qdsitanfu   时间:2021-01-06

On December 11, 2020 Technology Manager Certification Training, organized by National Marine Technology Transfer Center, Innovation Education and Practice Center of Ocean University of China, Qingdao Marine Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance and co-organized by Specialized Science and Technology Innovation Investment Center (Qingdao) Co.


Qingdao Oceantec Valley has a high-density supply of scientific and technological resources and achievements, and technology managers are important human and intellectual resources to promote scientific and technological achievements to the market, Qingdao Ocean Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance actively creates a good ecology for industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, connects the human resources of universities, enterprises and scientific and technological institutions in the alliance and cultivates through the industrialization chain, and cooperates with the Innovation Education and Practice Center of Ocean University of China to carry out achievements We cooperate with the Innovation Education and Practice Center of China Ocean University to carry out the talent reserve related to industrialization, and provide the talent power required for the transformation of the achievements of the National Ocean Center and the institutes in the region.


Technology Manager Certification Training starts from the construction program of national technology transfer system, aiming to cultivate leading talents for transformation of scientific and technological achievements that meet the needs of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, meet the demand for high quality scientific and technological talents under the continuous development of innovation-driven market economy, promote the deep integration of industry-university-research, and thus improve the efficiency of transformation of scientific and technological achievements.


The course system not only includes policy interpretation and industry analysis at the national level, but also includes practical dry goods and real cases on laws related to technology transfer, technology incubation, asset evaluation and enterprise operation, providing comprehensive and diversified knowledge training for technology managers.


Professor Song Dalei, Director of Innovation Education and Practice Center of Ocean University of China, said that as an academic background in science and technology, he deeply understood that the transformation of scientific and technological achievements needs professional theoretical support and sufficient experience support, and that technology manager is the most difficult and meaningful link in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, which brings inventions to innovation and technology to the world.


The 2020 Technology Manager Certification Training lasted for three days, under the guidance of Qingdao Technology Market Service Center, with the active participation of science and technology practitioners including many units from Qingdao higher education institutions, scientific research institutions and marine entrepreneurship venture alliance enterprises. The Qingdao Innovation Institute and Dagong (Qingdao) Research Institute provided support for this training. Jiang Dachuan, Secretary General of Qingdao Marine Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alliance, Song Dare, Director of Innovation Education and Practice Center of Ocean University of China, and Ma Yang, Senior Partner of Stanford Qingdao Research Institute attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.